All the M2 Assist Service Desk contact information is currently available on the website, but if you like to have all the information at your fingertips, we have introduced a new Welcome Pack. This has been produced for our clients with an aim to make the process of contacting the IT Support Service Desk easier. The M2 Assist welcome pack includes a ‘Guide to IT Support’, which outlines the Service Desk process and provides all the information needed to contact the M2 Computing team. It also includes details of M2’s referral scheme, where customers can earn rewards for introducing M2 Computing to a new client.
Tanya Haeffele, General Manager comments “The new pack provides everything a new customer needs to know about the M2 Computing IT Service Desk process. We have also included plenty of Service Desk contact cards to distribute within the business so all customers have the contact details to hand if they have any issues with their IT.”