du Boulay Contracts based in London specialise in the commercial fit-out and refurbishment sector of the construction industry. Over 35 years, they have built a reputation for exceptional quality fitting for licensed premises including restaurants, bars, pubs and nightclubs. With contracts ranging from £200,000 to over £1m, they have also completed many projects for offices, casinos, hotels, airport lounges and high street multiples. du Boulay employs 20 people who often work remotely on client site, handling complex projects, frequently under tight deadlines.Every day they co-ordinate designers, planners, project managers,suppliers, deliveries and clients.
“We have used many different IT support companies over the years and without hesitation would say that M2 Computing provide the most comprehensive service of them all. Their support staff are excellent with a speedy response to any issues we may have and the directors are on hand should anything more serious need resolving. As a growing business we need to keep up with the latest technology and know that M2 Computing will maintain our system at its optimum level with new ideas and products. We have recently made a partial move into the Cloud and it has proved a seamless operation with the technical skills of M2 Computing” David Budd, Financial Director, Du Boulay Contracts