[themecolor]With 75% of all call traffic now coming from IP-based products, are we witnessing the demise of ISDN?[/themecolor]

Traditionally business telephony services have been delivered mainly using either digital (ISDN) or analogue technology. It can safely be said that this is fast becoming a thing of the past – the technology is out of date and isn’t able to offer the flexibility needed for business today. So, it’s not surprising that newer technology such as SIP, which can be installed quicker and is easier to maintain, has become the preferred option. SIP which stands for Session Initiation Protocol, is the protocol for initiating an interactive user session using mult-media elements such as video, chat, gaming and virtual reality.

The benefits of SIP over ISDN can’t be ignored. It offers a highly flexible, cost-effective solution for your business. Compared to ISDN, SIP is cheaper on a per-channel basis and it’s more flexible in terms of how and where geographic telephone numbers can be used.

Telecoms watchdog Ofcom has published figures that support the terminal diagnosis for ISDN. The regulator says that while UK fixed/mobile telephony spending has remained almost static since 2007, the number of ISDN connections fell by 23% in the same period. Furthermore Ofcom says that the number of ISDN30 channels has dwindled by more than half a million in the last two years, prompting industry professionals to conclude that there will be a wholesale migration to SIP sooner than we think.

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