After a gruelling battle against high walls, rope climbs, monkey bars, fire jumps and spear throws, M2’s General Manager Tanya Haeffele has qualified for the OCR (Obstacle Course Race) World Championships. Tanya qualified earlier this month at the Reebok Spartan Race in Kent. She completed the course in just over an hour, finishing 1st in her age category and 4th female overall.
The OCR World Championships will be held in Blue Mountains, Canada on 13th– 15th October 2017. Before this trip of a lifetime, Tanya needs to continue her training and prepare for the challenges ahead. To help with this, she has signed up to no less than ten further elite UK events to put in some serious practice and will also be travelling to Germany in June for the OCR European Championships in Frankfurt.
“Qualifying for the OCR European and World Championships has been a dream come true. Having the opportunity to represent myself and the United Kingdom not once, but twice, in the same year is an absolute honour. I am very excited to be competing at both of these incredible events alongside some of the World’s top OCR athletes later on this year. ” comments Tanya Haeffele, General Manager, M2 Computing.
We wish her luck and will keep you posted on her success.