Safety tests of new 5G masts have found they pose no risk to humans, with the radiation emitted being just a “tiny fraction” of what’s allowed within the safe limit.
Though excitement for 5G is growing for many, some individuals have raised concerns about potential radiation emitted by such a wider, more powerful network. As such, Ofcom set about testing new 5G masts to ascertain what risks (if any) they would pose.
The regulator discovered that, not only was there very little risk, the radiation levels were almost infinitesimally small. The very highest figure – recorded at Birmingham’s Mailbox development – was still just 0.039% of the recommended safe limits set by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
Some 16 sites across 10 UK cities were tested, then compared with others across the UK where 5G coverage hasn’t yet been introduced. Interestingly, radiation from the 5G mast at Birmingham’s Mailbox development was still nowhere near the figures recorded at London’s Canary Wharf, where there’s no 5G coverage. Here, the existing mobile bands generated 1.5% of the safe radiation limit.
Despite finding “no discernible” risks in the 5G infrastructure, Ofcom pledged to continue monitoring it, to ensure no issues emerge as the technology starts to become more ubiquitous. A report on the findings stated: “Clearly, the deployment of 5G networks and the take-up of 5G services is at an early stage. We will therefore continue to undertake EMF measurements to monitor the overall trends in the long term.”
Ofcom’s findings were echoed by Public Health England which noted that, whilst 5G could bring about a “small increase in overall exposure to radio waves”, there should be “no consequences for public health”. In short, 5G coverage does not produce anywhere near enough radiation to damage cells or DNA. The World Health Organisation put it another way. It said that, whilst exposure to greater radio frequency radiation is a “possible carcinogenic”, 5G is – according to latest research – no worse for you than pickled vegetables or talcum powder.